Love Your Self -  Love Your Life

From Invisible to Unstoppable
the journey to Self-Mastery

Bernice M. Winter 2019

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Take Action- Be your BEST SELF Ever!

Chakra Reading & Clearing

We are energy beings and therefore our energy field collects clutter just like our closets and cabinets.  It is a wise investment in yourself to clear the clutter from your field on a regular basis.
A  basic session includes a reading of your Chakras, chargng and balancing of the energy - when possible.  (Some blocks are not ready to be cleared)   
More About Chakra Reading & Clearing 
  1. By Application Only
    Personal Self-Mastery Coaching
    For those who desire mastering your self-awareness skills and taking charge of your life, Bernice coaches a select number of people. She customizes each program to fit your individual needs. Complete the application and she will contact you for an interview. Limited Space.
  2. Live Your Best Life Members
    Join us in becoming the best you ever!
    Join this group of men and women who are choosing to live their best life. Receive Newsletters, Tips, and Resources that help you live a happy, prosperous and fulfilling life. Join in the Self-Mastery Monthly Challenges in our private member Facebook group.
  3. Self-Mastery Group Coaching
    Live Outside the Box and get off the Roller coaster!
    Live your Life - Love your Life - Group Self-Mastery Coaching. Guidance, conversations, and a focus on being self-aware. We all have unique experiences that when shared help and inspire others.
Apply Today
Sign up for your monthly  membership
Meet Like Minded People
Using the Meet Up program (in person) or Zoom (via the Web),  I am open to having monthly groups of 10 people. 

In central Alberta Meet Up groups can be started in Strathmore, Olds, Calgary, Three Hills, and Innisfail. 
Meet Up Link - Red Deer Alberta
Join our Active Meet Up Group in 
Red Deer Alberta
I am open to starting   groups in other Locations
We meet monthly at 5:30 to 7:30 on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. 

Group limit is 10 members.  Space is availble. 
If you are interest in a group in any of the Central Alberta  areas apply via the Meet Up link and state which location you would like.

If not in the areas listed we can arrange group meeting via Zoom